Mojave Desert Ensemble Set
The group has congealed for the November 28 repremier in Bonn and November 29 performance and recording in Cologne of my most recent Modular Composition, “Mojave Desert.” The musicians are:
➤violin…Axel Lindner
➤violin…Hannah Weirich
➤viola…Annegret Mayer-Lindenberg
➤viola…Axel Porath
➤cello…Niklas Seidl
➤contrabass…Pascal Niggenkemper
➤contrabass…Christian Weber
➤electric guitar…Scott Fields
➤electric guitar…David Stackenäs
➤flute…Daniel Agi
➤flute…Helen Bledsloe
➤flute…Norbert Rodenkirchen
➤clarinets…Frank Gratkowski
➤soprano saxophone…Ingrid Laubrock
➤tenor saxophone…Matthias Schubert
➤trumpet…Udo Moll
➤trombone…Matthias Muche
➤tuba…Melvyn Poore
➤percussion…Ramon Gardella
➤percussion…Arturo Portugal
➤conductor…Stephen Dembski